Swedish Massage Academy

To Empower Anyone Wanting To Give a PRO-LEVEL Massage

Discover and master the Swedish Massage Tradition's 40+ strokes, from rare, exquisite techniques no longer taught in schools from essential effleurage, deep friction, and stretch, elevating your sessions to new heights.


What others are saying:

Ivana M.

The course was just perfect, the tutor is really nice and explains everything really well. I would say it was great for all levels, beginners as well as professionals building up their skills.

Stephanie N.

The teacher is incredibly calming. I'm excited to apply this material!

Brenda E.

It was a good review of material for me. I learned new terminology for strokes I regularly use and learned a few new tapotement strokes to try. Really made me crave a massage with the techniques taught!!

Tonja S.

I'm loving it so far! Very informative and I love her technique!

Andrea L.

I am a professional at getting massages, but not giving them. This course is fantastic and has taught me strokes that I thoroughly enjoy sharing with my husband. I was pleased to share the course with my current therapist who is always striving to expand her knowledge.

Kelly P.

Perfect for someone new or experienced! I learned a lot and enjoyed the details and tempo of the lessons. I would definitely recommend it for continuing education or a beginner like me.

All theĀ Strokes You Will Ever Need to Give a
Professional Level Massage

Whether you're stepping into the world of massage to enhance the well-being of loved ones or you're a practicing therapist looking to elevate your service to new heights, this course stands as an amazing key to unlocking a professional level of mastery in Swedish massage. It's designed to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, can learn to deliver massages that not only soothe but profoundly heal.

The art of Swedish Massage, with its rich tradition and comprehensive range of techniques, offers more than the few strokes commonly known and practiced. Our course unveils a treasure trove of over 40 traditional strokes, many of which have been forgotten and are rarely if ever, taught in today's schools. This unique repertoire goes far beyond the basics, encompassing everything from gentle effleurage to deeper, more targeted techniques that address the body's intricate tapestry of muscles and tissues.

For the uninitiated, discovering these strokes opens up a new dimension of personal careā€”a way to express care, affection, and healing through touch. For the professional therapist, it's an opportunity to refine your art, integrating forgotten or unknown techniques that can set your practice apart, offering a massage experience that transcends the ordinary.

This course is meticulously designed to be thorough yet comprehensive, enabling anyone eager to deliver the best massage and a profound experience with confidence. Skills you'll gain are not just techniques; they're a form of communication through touch, conveying understanding, empathy, and a profound desire to improve the well-being of others.

By elevating your knowledge with these traditional Swedish strokes, you won't just perform a massage; you'll provide a holistic experience that nurtures both body and soul through a more than 200-year-old massage modality as it was originally intended. This knowledge is empowering, placing the ability to offer a next-level massage into the hands of anyone willing to learn and embrace the full depth of Swedish Massage.

Whether for personal enrichment or professional development, our course is your gateway to becoming a practitioner of the highest caliber, equipping you with all the strokes you will ever need to give a truly professional-level Swedish massage.

Join us and become part of a community dedicated to excellence in massage therapy!

Everything you needĀ 
to give the very BEST massage!

What you will get in this course:

A Showcase of all 40+ Swedish Strokes, Demonstrated

Learn the massage strokes that many professionals know, and some that are no longer taught in schools, and how to apply them with confidence!

30-Minute Video Beginner Massage Tutorial

Learn how to seamlessly blend massage strokes for a relaxing and therapeutic experience that will keep your clients coming back for more.

Safety in Massage Therapy

Learn about endangerment zones and how to gauge your pressure and whenĀ not to give a massage.

Timing Guides

Learn the art of timing with our 30-minute and 60-minute full-body massage guides. Move with confidence and stay on schedule.

Start Your Journey to Massage Mastery today.

Experience the richness of Swedish Massage through our exclusive Swedish 40 Course. Massage schools charge thousands of dollarsĀ for a massage diploma with Swedish massage strokes and technique making up 36% of their course load! Valued at over $1,500, we've made this comprehensive journey accessible to you for just $27 because we believe in the power of skilled touch to change lives! Swedish 40Ā isn't just a courseā€”it's and investment inĀ well-being, offering you over 40 specific techniques that fuse the lost art of the Swedish tradition and the power of healing touch.

Buy Now ONLY $27